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Результаты поиска по запросу: P3 P1P5Q


  1. Oriented mixed area and discrete minimal surfaces

    If P is a face and P the corresponding face in the Gauss image, then P is assigned the mean and Gaussian curvatures area(P, P ) area(P ) HP = − , KP = . area(P ) area(P ) ORIENTED MIXED AREA AND DISCRETE MINIMAL SURFACES 5 q3 p0 p1 p3 p2 q0 q1 q2 Figure 2. For nondegenerate parallel.


  2. ChessPro | Topalov - Kamsky. Game 1.

    2P5-P4PPP-R1BQKBNR', 'rnbqk2r-ppp1ppbp-6p1-8-2BPP3-2P5-P4PPP-R1BQK1NR', 'rnbqk2r-pp2ppbp-6p1-2p5-2BPP3-2P5-P4PPP-R1BQK1NR'


  3. Dierential Cache Trace Attack Against CLEFIA

    This can be forced by starting with random values for P0 and P1 , then varying P2 , P3 , P8 , P9 , P10 , and P11 in an order such that Pa is varied before Pb if and only if Pa and Pb access the same sbox and Pa accesses the sbox before Pb .

    These cache hits dene values for the plaintext bytes P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 and Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , Q5 , Q6 , Q7 .


  4. WCCC 5th game vs Rondo


  5. Simple probability calculation.

    also since the average P(1) is 0,24 can you use this to simplyfy and how bad would the error become?

    Expand the product (P1+Q1)*(P2+Q2)*(P3+Q3)*(P4+Q4)*(P5+Q5)*(P6+Q6)=1^ 6=1 Where Pi+Qi=1 and they are the chance it happens Pi and the chance it doesnt happen Qi...


  6. Discrete Monodromy, Pentagrams, and the Method of Condensation

    If the points of A are labelled by integers congruent to 1 mod 4 then the invariants of A are ...q0 , p1 , q2 , p3

    In this section we are going to use the alternate list of variables p1 , q2 , p3 , q4 , .... The reason for the alternate notation is that it is useful to distinguish the even and odd variables in our constructions.


  7. The Kibitzer


  8. NNLO predictions for event shapes and jet rates in electron-positron...

    (1.1) where q1 and q2 are the momenta of the initial-state particles and 1/(8s) corresponds to the ux factor and the average over the spins of the initial state particles. The observable has to be infrared safe, in particular this implies that in single and double unresolved limits we must have ′ O4 ( p1 , ..., p4 , q1 , q2 ) → O3 ( p1 , ..., p3 , q1 , q2 ) for single unresolved limits, for double unresolved limits.


  9. Received: May 20, 1998, Accepted: July 7, 1998

    3 (2.13) For the virtual-top propagator we use the relativistic Wigner-Weisskopf form p2 3 / p3 + mt . − m2 t + imt Γt (2.14) The decay width of the top quark is not yet measured, so we use the prediction of the standard model, Gf m3 √t Γt = 8π 2 m2 1− W m2 t.


  10. Free Rider 2 Track - treaw


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